
October 24


Tuesday, 18:30pm–21:00

IDRF Meetup

The Power
of Retail Media

Retail Media holds a special place in the modern advertising arena, becoming a key factor in attracting and retaining customers. But what exactly makes it such an effective tool in the hands of marketers? Discover the latest innovations, strategies, and key trends in the field of retail media.

Join us at the meetup and dive into the world of cutting-edge marketing solutions!

WeWork Parc18 SCBD 5th floor

Register Now

IDRF Meetup Program


Retail Media. Marketing Tools for Success
Ponco Satrio, Head of Digital Marketing, Sharp 
The Power of Retail Media and its Implementation Practices
Artem Prokofyev, Regional Director APAC, 24TTL
How to launch the best campaigns. Marketing and advertising tools on Bukalapak
Petrus Octavianus Manurung, Sr Business Development, Bukalapak
The Power of Retail Media: Panel Discussion
Vicky Wijaya, Petrus Octavianus Manurung, Artem Prokofyev, Ponco Satrio, Prayudho Rahardjio and Ivan Gorkovenko



Ponco Satrio

Head of Digital marketing Sharp ID.
E-com Marketing Tools for Success: Insightful Cases from Sharp.

Artem Prokofyev Regional Director 24TTL

Artem Prokofyev

Regional Director 24TTL.
The power of retail media and its implementation practices.


Petrus Octavianus Manurung

Bukamall Account Manager at Bukalapak.
How to launch the best campaigns. Marketing and advertising tools on Bukalapak

Ivan Gorkovenko

Ivan Gorkovenko

Adviser BrandLink, Ex VP Commercial Strategy ZenRooms ID

eComm leaders have already confirmed their participation
Join us at the IDRF meetup to exchange ideas with representatives Sharp and others.

Media coverage of the International Digital Retail Forum


IDRF Meetup Jakarta 2023: Marcas-Minoristas Tak Bergantung pada Tenaga Marketing

Pertemuan IDRF merilis hasil riset dari para pengusaha e-commerce di Indonesia dan 24TTL, pada 19 Januari di Jakarta.

Read the article

IDRF Meetup Dubai 2023: Experts discuss how to win customers in a crowded market

A very good example of both is the Mena region, which since 2019, has seen its e-commerce grow faster than any other region in the world (by 18% inter-annual, twice the world’s average)

Read the article
IDRF Tecno Empresa

IDRF Meetup México 2023: Comportamiento del eCommerce en AL

Durante el International Digital Retail Forum, expertos de la industria del comercio electrónico se reunieron para analizar y aprender de las mejores prácticas y desafíos que enfrentó la industria el año pasado.

Read the article

В Москве провели крупнейшую конференцию по инновациям в онлайн-ретейле IDRF’21

Генерацию контента, построение прогнозов, обработку текстов и другие способы применения AI в ритейле обсудили 14 апреля на митапе IDRF.

Read the article

The previous IDRF meetup in Jakarta:
How AI is transforming E-Commerce?


Can't attend? Leave your email and we'll send a recording of the event.

How IDRF events were held worldwide

IDRF_MeetUps_Jakarta_2-1 dubai2023-1 IDRF_MeetUps_Moscow_1-1-Sep-07-2023-01-24-33-1266-PM IDRF_MeetUps_Mexico_1-1
IDRF_MeetUps_Jakarta_2-1 dubai2023-1 IDRF_MeetUps_Moscow_1-1-Sep-07-2023-01-24-33-1266-PM IDRF_MeetUps_Mexico_1-1

Join us!

See you on Tuesday, 24th October, WeWork, Parc18 SCBD 5th floor, 6:30 PM


October 24


Tuesday, 6:30 pm–9:00

IDRF Meetup

The Power
of Retail Media

Explore tools that can help your brand turn lots of visitors from retail platforms into actual sales


Do you have any questions?
We'll be happy to assist.

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Michael Angga, IDRF Coordinator

Event organizer is 24TTL

Solutions for online merchandising that utilize artificial intelligence and neural networks to boost your brand's sales on online platforms. We automate the entire cycle of working with product content, including analytics, content creation, and delivery to online retail.

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